Green apple hanging on the tree Leicestershire, England by Andy J Hollingbery upixa images

Detailed image information
Max Pixels: 3084(W) x 4096(H)
ROMPS (Recommended Output Max Print Size at 300dpi): 10.3 inches width x 13.7 inches high
26.1 centimetres width x 34.7 centimetres high
Filesize (original JPEG at highest available resolution): 4.13Mb
Image credit: Andy J Hollingbery
Shoot date: 2005-06-09
Geographic Location: Leicestershire, England
Short Caption (Description of Content) Green apple hanging on the tree
Subject Matter food
Keywords leaves, leaf, bough, twig, growing, apple, green, tree
Price Grade: standard
Model Release: N
Property Release: N
Available sizesPrice (level: standard)ROMPS cmROMPS inches
3084W x 4096H (36.1Mb*)£94.86 (1332 ppp)26.1 x 34.710.3 x 13.7
2313W x 3072H (20.3Mb*)£75.29 (944 ppp)19.6 x 267.7 x 10.2
1735W x 2304H (11.4Mb*)£55.10 (726 ppp)14.7 x 19.55.8 x 7.7
1157W x 1536H (5.1Mb*)£31.20 (570 ppp)9.8 x 133.9 x 5.1
867W x 1151H (2.9Mb*)£19.38 (515 ppp)7.3 x 9.72.9 x 3.8
555W x 737H (1.2Mb*)£8.64 (474 ppp)4.7 x 6.21.9 x 2.5
416W x 553H (0.7Mb*)£4.99 (461 ppp)3.5 x 4.71.4 x 1.8
* approx RGB TIFF size when uncompressed