Bouquet of red roses on shimmering white fabric N/A by Naomi Evans upixa images

Detailed image information
Max Pixels: 2234(W) x 1856(H)
ROMPS (Recommended Output Max Print Size at 300dpi): 7.4 inches width x 6.2 inches high
18.9 centimetres width x 15.7 centimetres high
Filesize (original JPEG at highest available resolution): 1.57Mb
Image credit: Naomi Evans
Geographic Location: N/A
Short Caption (Description of Content) Bouquet of red roses on shimmering white fabric
Subject Matter flowers
Keywords Boquet, red, roses, white, flowers,wedding
Price Grade: standard
Model Release: N
Property Release: N
Available sizesPrice (level: standard)ROMPS cmROMPS inches
2234W x 1856H (11.9Mb*)£56.34 (736 ppp)18.9 x 15.77.4 x 6.2
1676W x 1392H (6.7Mb*)£38.33 (609 ppp)14.2 x 11.85.6 x 4.6
1257W x 1044H (3.8Mb*)£24.44 (537 ppp)10.6 x 8.84.2 x 3.5
838W x 696H (1.7Mb*)£12.00 (486 ppp)7.1 x 5.92.8 x 2.3
628W x 522H (0.9Mb*)£7.01 (468 ppp)5.3 x 4.42.1 x 1.7
* approx RGB TIFF size when uncompressed